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Integrating the Electrical Power from Wave Energy Plant into the UK National Grid

Research Authors
Tarek Ahmed
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
Journal of Power Electronics
Research Vol
Vol. 10, No. 3
Research Rank
Research Abstract

In this paper, multiple offshore wave energy converters with different output characteristics are connected to one power
distribution substation. The connection between the power take-off of the different wave energy converters and the electrical
power transmission system is presented in order to investigate whether multiple wave energy converters can augment energy yield
and improve network integration capabilities. Moreover, the model of an array of wave energy converters is developed with the
goal of analyzing the effects of the offshore wave farm on the electrical network to which it is connected. It is also developed
to ensure that the electricity generated by the array is sufficiently controllable, and of a quality that can be integrate into the electricity supply network without unduly increasing the cost of connection, production or delivery.