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A hybrid printed monopole antenna loaded with dielectric resonator for wideband and circular polarization applications

Research Authors
O. M. Haraz, A. R. Sebak, and T. A. Denidni
Research Member
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
Research Publisher
Research Vol
Volume 22, Issue 5
Research Rank
Pages 588–593
Research Abstract

This article presents a novel compactcircularly polarized antenna with wideband operation. The proposed antenna consists of a microstrip-line-fed printed monopole, a finite truncated ground, and a dielectric resonator (DR). Compared to the printed monopole antenna, the proposed DR-loaded antenna has an increased impedance bandwidth, a large axial ratiobandwidth, and a good realized gain across the desired frequency range. An antenna prototype is fabricated and experimentally tested. The measured antenna impedance match is better than _10 dB over 90% from 4.5 to 11.8 GHz frequency band and the 3-dB axial-ratio bandwidth is better than 35% covering the 5.4–7.65 GHz frequency band.