This study investigates an application of the fuzzy logic technique for designing the load-frequency
control system to damp the frequency and tie line power oscillations due to different load disturbances under
the governor deadzones and GRC non-linearity. Integral controller are designed and compared with the
proposed fuzzy logic controller. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller, two-area load
frequency power system is simulated over a wide range of operating conditions and system parameter changes.
Further, comparative studies between the conventional PID control and proposed efficient fuzzy logic load
frequency control are included on the simulation results. Programs Matlab software are developed for
simulation. The digital results prove the power of the present fuzzy load-frequency controller over the
conventional. PID controller in terms of fast response with less overshoot and small settling time.
Research Member
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Research Vol
Vol.4 , No.15
Research Abstract