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Long-term multi-objective distribution network planning by DG allocation and feeders’ reconfiguration

Research Authors
Aboelsood Zidan, M. F. Shaaban, and E. F. El-Saadany
Research Member
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
Electric Power Systems Research
Research Vol
Research Rank
Research Website
Research Abstract

tThis paper proposes a long-term planning method to maximize the benefits of network reconfigura-tion and distributed generation (DG) allocation in distribution networks. The proposed method handleslong-term yearly load increase and seeks to define the reinforcements (i.e., line upgrades, network recon-figuration, and DG integration) and when and where they are required to meet the load rise with minimalcost and acceptable quality standards. The objectives considered in this paper are: economic (costs ofline upgrades, energy losses, switching operations, and DG capital, operation and maintenance costs)and environmental (emissions from grid and DG units). The proposed method takes into considerationthe uncertainty related to renewable DG output power and the load variability. The long-term planningproblem is defined as multi-objective nonlinear mixed integer programming. The outcomes of the plan-ning problem are the Pareto front, which represents different optimum operating system points. Finally,the local distribution company (LDC) can choose the system operating point based on its preferences