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Nonlinear Numerical Simulation for Concrete Hinges of TBM Tunnels

Research Authors
Tawab Aly, Mohamed Ashour, Gunter Swoboda and Fayez Kaiser
Research Member
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
EURO:TUN 2009, 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunnelling
Research Publisher
Ruhr University Bochum
Research Vol
Vol. 1
Research Rank
Research Website
Research Abstract

The design of segmental lining of TBM tunnels requires a special experience and knowledge. One of the influencing factors affecting the stresses induced in the lining, which is often ignored in the design of tunnels, is the effect of joint which connects each two segments, and known as the longitudinal joint, or the tunnel hinge. In this paper curves for the joint rotational stiffness under the effect of normal force and moment are presented based on a numerical modelling of tunnel hinge, considering the steel reinforcement of the segment, plasticity of concrete, decoupling and properties of segmental joints. The result obtained from the curves is directly coupled with the finite element program FINAL (Swoboda 2007), and hence it can be applied in the design of segmental lining.
The numerical modelling of the tunnel hinge consists of two concrete parts represent the segments, the length of each concrete part equals its thickness, and the width of the hinge equals half of the thickness of the segment, the numerical model is based on LST elements for concrete considering a new explicit formulation of concrete plasticity, and the decoupling is simulated with an interface element.
A program ‘Hinge’ was made depending on the results of the numerical modelling of tunnel hinge, this program can calculate the value of the rotation of the hinge as a function of the normal force and bending moment, also the program can expect the type of the deformation in the hinge however it is elastic or plastic, at the end of this paper there is an application on TBM tunnel by using the results of program Hinge.