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# Title Department Research Year
7831 “Performance calculation of saturated shaded-pole motor” Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7832 Finite element solution of monopolar corona equation Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7833 Optimum mass flow rate of water in a flat plate solar collector coupled with a storage tank and an orgnic Rankine cycle power loop 1983
7834 Some Simulated and Experimental Results of a Dynamic Behavior of a Receiver Under Concentrated Solar Flux Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7835 Accelerated Loss of Life of Electric Power System Component Operated above their Nameplate Ratings Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7836 Effect of hardness and coeff of plasticty as technological properties on the produced surface area as an index for energy consumed in the process of comminution Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7837 Attrition of fluidized solids and its impact on design Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7838 Analysis of a Speed Control System of Induction Motors by Thyristor Converters Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7839 Microprocessor based Equidistant Firing Pulses Scheme Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7840 A Study on the relation between some physical mechanical properties of rocks and their drillability Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983