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# Title Department Research Year
7831 An Effictient Design Algorithm of N-band IIR Digital Filters Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7832 Optimum mass flow rate of water in a flat plate solar collector coupled with a storage tank and an orgnic Rankine cycle power loop 1983
7833 Effect of vortex finder diameter on the distribution of solid/liquid ratio within a hydro cyclone Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7834 Contribution to the analytic study for the determination of the optimum size of pillars in Room- and - pillar mining method Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7835 Planning of Power Distribution Networks as Influenced by Service Reliability Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7836 DC Corona Discharge Monoplar Bundle wires Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7837 Application of the probability theory for determining the effect of hardness of rocks on the statistical parameters of the size distribution for different ball to ore rutios at const.time of grinding Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7838 Examination of the distribution of pulp solid/liquid ratio within a hydrocyclone and the effect of pulp density of feed Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7839 The relation between the reduction ratio , the hardness and coefficent of plasticity of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7840 On the Environ- mental Impact of HYDC Transmission Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1983