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# Title Department Research Year
7831 Bipolar Corona on Bundle Conductors of Bipolar Transmission Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7832 النماذج الرياضية التي توضح العلاقة بين سرعات وأحجام المرور في القاهرة Civil Engineering Department 1983
7833 Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Bonded Joints as Affected by Ageing and Environmental Conditions 1983
7834 Optimal Design of Tubular Actuators Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7835 Examination of the distribution of pulp solid/liquid ratio within a hydrocyclone and the effect of pulp density of feed Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7836 Probability studies on the safety of unsupported mine opening Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7837 Parasitic effects compensation in active filters using an optimization technique Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7838 Constant Delay Bandpass Filters by Derivative Adjustements Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7839 Effect of voreter finder-diameter on the distribution of solid/liquid ratio within ahydrocyclone Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7840 Optimum mass flow rate of water in a flat plate solar collector coupled with a storage tank and an orgnic Rankine cycle power loop 1983