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# Title Department Research Year
7831 DC Corona Discharge on Monopolar Bundle Wires Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7832 Strain Rate Dependence of Fracture Toughness JIC and Ductility 1983
7833 Attrition of fluidized solids and its impact on design Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7834 The relation between the reduction ratio , the hardness and coefficent of plasticity of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7835 A Study on the relation between some physical mechanical properties of rocks and their drillability Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7836 DC Corona Discharge on Monopolar Bundle Wires Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7837 Study of the Relationship Between Fracture Toughness (JIC) and Bulge Ductility 1983
7838 Relation between surface area products in the process of comminution , time of grinding at constant Ball to ore ratios , for different types of tested rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7839 A rapid practical method for determing the displacement of the roof and the parameters of timber supports in the mine stopes Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7840 A Simplified Finite Element Model for Fully Developed Axial Turbulent Flow in Rod Bundles