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# Title Department Research Year
7831 Finite element solution of monopolar corona equation Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7832 Relation between Surface area produced in the process of comminution and time of grinding at constant ball to ore ratios, for different types of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7833 Effect of the properties of the rocks and the set of the jaw crusher on the reduction ratio of the crushed ore Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7834 “Performance calculation of saturated shaded-pole motor” Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7835 Finite element solution of monopolar corona equation Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7836 Finite Element Solution of Monopolar Corona Equations Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7837 Planning of Power Distribution Networks as Influenced by Service Reliability Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7838 Effect of hardness and coefficient of plasticity as technological properties on the process of comminution Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7839 On the Environmental Impact of HVDC Transmission Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7840 Examination of the distribution of pulp solid/liquid ratio within a hydrocyclone and the effect of pulp density of feed, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983