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# Title Department Research Year
7761 Effect of hardness and coefficient of plasticity as technological properties on the process of comminution Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7762 Application of the probability theory for determining the effect of hardness of rocks on the statistical parameters of the size distribution for different ball to ore rutios at const.time of grinding Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7763 Corona on bundle conductors of bipolar transmission lines Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7764 DC Corona Discharge Monoplar Bundle wires Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7765 Determination of Fracture Toughness JIC under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions Using Wedge Loaded Specimens 1983
7766 The Minimum Weight Power Transformer Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7767 Time Resolution of Positive Corona Current From Stranded Conduc¬tors Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7768 Selective Precision Synthesis of Function Generation Mechanisms Using Optimum Diads 1982
7769 Steady Viscous Heating of non-Newtonian Fluids Flowing Between Parallel Plates 1982
7770 برمجة نموذج التحليل الاقتصادي لصيانة الطرق على الحاسب الالى Civil Engineering Department 1982