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# Title Department Research Year
6251 Factors affecting the accuracy of digital photogrammetric applications. Master thesis, Civil Engineering Department 2000
6252 Production of Useful Al-Base Master Alloys from Local Ores and Industrial Byproduct / Waste Materials Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 2000
6253 A Study on the Improvement of the Performance of a Centrifugal Pump with Inducer 2000
6254 Signal separation using second and high-order statistics Electrical Engineering Department 2000
6255 العمارة المعلوماتية: رؤية لإشكالية الإبداع المعماري في القرن الحادي والعشرين Architecture Engineering Department 2000
6256 Principals of architectural construction and roof covering- two volumes.

Architecture Engineering Department 2000
6257 Effect of firing water-masout emulsions on steam generator performance 2000
6258 واجهات المبانى (مفاهيم ومفردات وتشكيل) Architecture Engineering Department 2000
6259 تبريد طبيعي لمباني تعليمية بصعيد مصر- جزء ثاني- أثر التهوية والتبريد البخري على فراغات مبنى كلية التربية الرياضية بجامعة أسيوط كمثال تطبيقى
Architecture Engineering Department 2000
6260 Study of the Influnce of Particle Size, Concentration and Degradation on the Slurry Erosion Behavior 2000