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# Title Department Research Year
8101 Radiation penetration model for an annulus of a diffuse material surrounding an opaque cope 0
8102 Cavitation Erosion Mechanism Based on Analysis of Erosion particles 0
8103 Velocity and Temperature Profiles for non-Newtonian Fluids Flowing Between Rotating Cylinders 0
8104 A report about the physical and mechanical properties of Abu-Tartur Phosphate rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 0
8105 Effect of base isolation device on steel tower seismic
response of cable-stayed bridge under great earthquake
Civil Engineering Department 0
8106 Dependence of Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel on Surface Roughness under Different Temperatures and NaCL Concentration 0
8107 Heat transfer through the internal combustion engine walls 0
8108 0ptimal In tented Overloading of Electric Power System Components Electrical Engineering Department 0
8109 أسس التصميم المعمارى لمراكز الكلى والمسالك البولية فى مصر (دراسة تحليلية لأراء عينة من الأطباء والمتخصصين) Architecture Engineering Department 0
8110 A Study on Ventilation in Densely Populated Urban Areas: An Experimental Investigation of Pedestrian Wind Environment and Air Quality within an Urban Street Canyon 0