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# Title Department Research Year
7741 Determination of Fracture Toughness JIC under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions Using Wedge Loaded Specimens 1983
7742 Probability studies on the safety of unsupported mine opening Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7743 Experimental Correlation Between Ductility and J- Integral in the Transition Region of 1045 Steel 1983
7744 On the Environmental Impact of HVDC Transmission Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7745 Contribution to the analytic study for the determination of the optimum size of pillars in Room- and - pillar mining method Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7746 Finite Element Solution of Monopolar Corona Equations Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7747 Some Simulated and Experimental Results of a Dynamic Behavior of a Receiver Under Concentrated Solar Flux Electrical Engineering Department 1983
7748 Determination of the rock deformation in the roof of mining stopes Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7749 Pressure Transients in Pipes With Viscoelastic Walls 1983
7750 الضوابط والقيود على نواحي الاستثمار في الإنفاق على زيادة مركبات أساطيل النقل وصيانتها وتأثيرها على طاقة النقل المتاحة في الدول النامية Civil Engineering Department 1983