

Visit to Germany
Visit to Germany from 10 to 12 April 2019.

Magdeburg University:
This visit is the first of its kind to a president of an Egyptian University to visit OVGU - Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in Germany. The visit took place during the current Assiut University plan to renew and document International relations with many foreign institutions and universities.

Visit to the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of "Otto von Guericke" University:
A delegation from Assiut University headed by Prof. Tarek El-Gamal (president of Assiut University) and Prof. Magda Mahmoud (responsible for International Relations) Visited the University Hospital of "Otto von Guericke University faculty of Medicine " Magdeburg" in Germany, during the visit; an Assiut University delegation met with the Prof."Manfred Infanger", head of microscopic surgery, hand surgery, and an responsible for international relations at the faculty.
An agreement has been concluded between the two universities to establish a joint training program for doctors, students and faculty members between Assiut University faculty of Medicine and Magdalborg University and exchange visits between the two universities.
The President of Assiut University invited Mr. Manfred Infanger to visit Assiut University to arrange a strategy for the Joint Training Program.

Visit Magdeburg University for Applied Science:
Prof. Tarek Al-gammal (president of Assiut University) and Prof. Magda Mahmoud (responsible for International Relations office) Visited  the University for applied Science that is considered as the second university in Magdeburg to activate a cooperation agreement in the fields of common degrees, water engineering, translation, and management of the medical facility.