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Alumni News and Updates


Alumni News and Updates

Open Education Exam Table May 2019 Level 2 First Semester
Open Education Exam Table May 2019 Second Level Second Semester
Open Education Schedule May 2019 First Level First Semester
It was decided by the will of God to discuss the doctoral thesis submitted by the researcher /…
Schedule of the examination of the first band regularity and affiliation of the role of May
The second year exam schedule
The third year exam schedule
The fourth year exam schedule
Amendment to the date of discussion of the doctoral thesis of the researcher / Ahmed Hosny Hussein…
The Council agreed to give a special course for the Master's campaign and containsCourseAnd Cours…
The board of directors agreed to give Cours desingTo teach computer basicsAnd POWER POINTPhotoshop…
According to the council to give Cours how EMIL worksTo send and receive messages