The college discussed the public thesis for obtaining a master’s degree in law entitled:
“Legal protection of the right to a clean environment in light of the provisions of public law,”
presented by the researcher: Jaber Ali Nayef Hamloul.
The committee to discuss and judge the thesis was composed of: •Professor Dr. Rajab Muhammad Al-Sayed Al-Kahlawi Professor and Head of the Department of Public Law Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, Assiut University For education and student affairs. •Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Santrisi Professor and Head of the Department of Public Law Faculty of Sharia and Law in Cairo Head of the Technical Office of the President of Al-Azhar University. •Professor Dr. Ali Abdel Fattah Professor of public law Faculty of Law, Beni Suef University. •The committee recommended granting the researcher a master’s degree in law with a grade of very good. The college invites researchers to attend these scientific forums because they enrich them at the scientific level and inform them of different schools of jurisprudence by elite jurists in Egypt and the Arab world.