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Discussion of the doctoral thesis submitted by researcher Abdel Fattah Saeed Sadiq Abdel Fattah under the title “Modern trends in the competence of the constitutional judiciary in interpretation - a comparative analytical study.”

Discussion of the doctoral thesis submitted by researcher Abdel Fattah Saeed Sadiq Abdel Fattah 
under the title “Modern trends in the competence of the constitutional judiciary in interpretation - 
a comparative analytical study.”
Note that the thesis judging committee consists of the following: 

1- Prof. Dr. Tharwat Abdel Aal Ahmed - Professor of Public Law - Faculty of Law - 
Assiut University - Chairman of the Governance Committee

2 - Prof. Dr. Sherif Youssef Khater - Professor of Public Law - President of Mansoura 
University - Member of the Governance Committee

3- Prof. Dr. Duwaib Hussein Saber - Professor of Public Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law - 
Assiut University - Supervisor and member of the Governance Committee

This will be on Wednesday 9/18/2024 at twelve noon in the discussion hall 
in the administrative building.