Discussion of the master’s thesis submitted by researcher Saad Ali Marzouq Al-Otaibi (Kuwaiti nationality), entitled The role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in resolving disputes between member states.
Note that the committee for destroying the message consists of the following gentlemen:
1 - Prof. Dr. Essam Mohamed Ahmed Zanati - Professor of Public International Law - and former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Asio University - Supervisor and Chairman of the Governance Committee 2 - Counselor Dr. Nabil Muhammad Awaja - Vice President of the State Council - Member of the Governance Committee 3 - Prof. Dr. Muammar Ratib Muhammad Abdel Hafez - Professor and Head of the Department of Public International Law and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law - Asio University - Member of the Governance Committee This will be on Tuesday 11/26/2024 at three in the afternoon in the hall of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Abdel Qader at the college.