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Assiut University Faculty of Law opens its doors to the oldest university student, 62 years old, student Hassan Mahmoud Mohamed Abdel Mawla, from Sohag Governorate

Assiut University Faculty of Law opens its doors to the oldest university student, 62 years old

Hassan Mahmoud Mohamed Abdel Mawla, a 62-year-old student, defied his own circumstances and joined the Faculty of Law at Assiut University, which is one of the faculties that graduated great legal figures and whose students held the highest positions. It was not strange for a distinguished person, 62 years old, who has a great passion for knowledge, to achieve his dream of becoming a student at the faculty.

Student Hassan Mahmoud Mohamed Abdel Mawla, from Sohag Governorate, obtained his high school diploma this year with a score of 78.6%, science section, after many years of absence from education.

After reaching old age, he decided to fulfill his dream of completing his educational career; in order to join the Faculty of Law - Assiut University; to become the oldest student at the Faculty of Law - Assiut University, at the age of 62 years.

Dr. Al-Minshawi praised the student’s struggle, directing that all the facilities needed by the student be provided to complete the procedures for joining the college and the university campus, to make things easier for him and encourage him to continue his academic journey.

Dr. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, met with the persevering student, in the presence of Dr. Douib Saber, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Legal Advisor to the President of the University, praising his struggle and hope for the future, which motivated him to achieve success and excellence until he joined the Faculty of Law, calling on him to interact with his fellow students at Assiut University, in academic studies and various student activities.

Dr. Douib Saber, Dean of the Faculty of Law, stressed that the student is an inspiring model for the youth of Egypt, in challenging difficulties and insisting on academic excellence, no matter how much effort and perseverance the educational journey requires. He is a diligent student at the age of sixty-two, and he desires to continue to excel at the Faculty of Law.

For his part, the student Hassan Mahmoud narrated his story, saying: “I graduated from education when I was young, in the sixth grade of primary school, but I dropped out of school to help my mother with work, and I got married and had a family. At that time, I decided to complete my education at spaced intervals until I reached higher education and joined the university. After completing my education, after finishing middle school, I started high school directly, at the Martyr Mohamed Kamel Air Force Secondary School, in Sohag Governorate.”

He added: “After I was appointed to a government job with a primary school certificate, and after reaching the retirement age of 60, I was in the first year of secondary school, and I devoted myself to studying in order to achieve my childhood dream. I did not pay attention to what those around me were saying, and I encouraged myself in order to get what I wanted until I succeeded in the third year of secondary school. I relied on educational programs on television, in addition to relying on textbooks.”

Student Hassan Mahmoud Mohamed Abdel Mawla expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the administration of Assiut University and the Faculty of Law for their warm welcome and great interest in facilitating the procedures for his enrollment in the faculty and university campus, which constitutes a strong incentive for him to achieve his dream of obtaining a Bachelor of Laws with distinction, and then working in one of the legal fields, stressing to the youth that belief in the importance of education and insistence on struggling to achieve the goal is the path to success in life.