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Under the auspices of Dr. Al-Minshawy: Assiut Law Students Visit the Supreme Constitutional Court in Cairo

Under the auspices of Dr. Al-Minshawy:

Assiut Law Students Visit the Supreme Constitutional Court in Cairo

Dr. Al-Minshawy: The University is Keen to Enhance the Culture of Legal Awareness among Students and Provide Them with Legal Skills and Experiences

The Faculty of Law, Assiut University, under the auspices of Dr. Ahmed Al-Minshawy, President of the University, and the supervision of Dr. Douib Saber, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Legal Advisor to the President of the University, organized on Saturday, July 6, a scientific visit for students to the headquarters of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Cairo, accompanied by Dr. Ragab Kahlawi, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law for Education and Student Affairs, and a number of faculty members, and the auxiliary body, with the participation of (38) male and female students.

The university delegation was received by Counselor Pauls Fahmy Iskandar, President of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Vice Presidents of the Supreme Constitutional Court, and members of the Supreme Constitutional Court; who welcomed the student delegation, faculty members, and the auxiliary body.

The visit program for this towering judicial edifice included; Students attended one of the sessions in the courtroom, and Counselor Ragab Salim, Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court, gave a lecture to the students on the importance of knowledge, learning, and the value and position of the Faculty of Law, Assiut University, among Egyptian universities, explaining the importance of reading and continuous review in various fields, and keeping up with the modern technology required in the labor market; so that they can excel in their future jobs. The visit program also included an introductory lecture by Counselor Tariq Abdel Qader, Counselor of the Commissioners Authority of the Supreme Constitutional Court; on the establishment of the Constitutional Court, the nature of its work, the mechanisms of appointment to the Supreme Constitutional Court, its jurisdictions, how to file a lawsuit before it, and how to adjudicate constitutional lawsuits. Dr. Ahmed El-Minshawy, President of Assiut University, stressed the importance of this visit in enhancing the culture of legal awareness among the college students, and providing them with the necessary legal skills and experiences, pointing out the university's keenness to develop the students' personal and academic skills and abilities, implement activities related to theoretical study, and organize field study visits for students.

The President of Assiut University appreciated the role played by the venerable Supreme Constitutional Court, since its inception until now, as the most important venerable legal edifice, in upholding constitutional principles, and guaranteeing rights and freedoms.

For his part, Dr. Douib Saber thanked the Supreme Constitutional Court, headed by Counselor Paulos Fahmy Iskandar, for agreeing to have students attend sessions within the corridors of the Constitutional Court, so that they can follow up on the management of sessions within the venerable Constitutional Court, noting that these training visits come within the college's plan for practical training for students.

At the end of the visit, Counselor Ragab Salim presented his personal writings to the Faculty of Law, in addition to books and writings related to the Supreme Constitutional Court to the Faculty of Law.

A delegation from Assiut University participated in the visit, including; Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Aleem, Assistant Professor in the Department of Legal History and Director of the English Language Law Program, Dr. Raghda Abdel-Mohsen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Labor Law, Dr. Mariam Abdel-Malik El-Qums, Lecturer in Litigation Law and Member of Parliament, Dr. Abdel-Fattah Saeed and Dr. Mahmoud Rashad, Assistant Lecturers in the Department of Public Law, Dr. Iyad Ahmed Abdel-Mawla, Teaching Assistant in the Department of Civil Law in the English Language Program, Dr. Ashraf Gaballah, Director of the Youth Care Department at the College, in addition to a number of Youth Care employees at the College.