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Assiut‏ University organizes the graduation ceremony of the batch (38) from the Faculty of Nursing

Under the supervision of Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, President of Assiut University; The Faculty of Nursing at the University organized the graduation ceremony of the batch (38) of the students of the Faculty of Nursing, and the honoring of the first students from the batch; under the supervision of: prof. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Samah Mohammed Abdullah, Dean of the faculty.

‏The graduation ceremony was attended by Dr. Fatima Rushdi, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Nursing for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Ikram Ibrahim, Vice Dean of the College for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, Dr. Nahid Shawkat Abu Al-Majd, Vice Dean of the faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Nabila Fikri, syndicate of Nursing in Assiut Governorate, Dr. Hekmat Ibrahim Abdul Karim, Coordinator of Student Activities at the faculty , and Dr. Hana Mohammed, General Coordinator of Excellence at the faculty , and a group of faculty members, and the administrative staff of the college.

‏Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, President of Assiut University, congratulated the graduates of the 38th batch of the faculty of Nursing, stressing: The university administration is keen to build a real model of distinguished cadres in the nursing sector; capable of performing a distinguished service of high quality; due to the importance of the role played by nursing within the medical system, pointing out that the patient's recovery, or the success of surgical operations does not depend only on the doctor, but nursing plays a decisive role in the success of treatment, greeting the families of graduates for their efforts with their children, throughout their study period.

‏Prof. Ahmed Abdel Mawla expressed his happiness with the participation of the graduates in their graduation ceremony, stressing: The graduates of the faculty of Nursing are in addition to the medical sector in the region; and they must have moral and professional values in dealing with patients, offering sincere thanks to the academic staff in the faculty, and the parents of the students; for their great effort in the care, education, and education of their children, which crowned today; their success, and their graduation celebration.

‏For her part, Dr. Samah Abdullah pointed to the great support enjoyed by the Faculty of Nursing in its various departments by the university administration; stressing the keenness of the faculty administration to continue working and exert more effort; in order to graduate students with a high degree of skill and efficiency at the scientific, professional and humanitarian levels, wishing the graduates success and success, as they take their first steps in working life.

‏Dr. Fatima Rushdi called on students to benefit from their years of study at the faculty, develop their skills, and to be always up to date with the latest medical developments in the modern era.

‏Dr. Nabila Fikri pointed to the excellence of the level of graduates of the Faculty of Nursing at Assiut University, stressing: They are a strong and effective addition to the medical sector, wishing them success and success in the next professional life.

‏Sarah Mohammed, the first student in the batch (38), also expressed her happiness with the effort of five years of work and diligence; on this special day, expressing sincere thanks and appreciation; to the faculty members and their assistants; who spared no effort in supporting the batch (38); expressing her gratitude to the parents of students, who spared no effort, or time; in supporting their children throughout their years of study at the faculty .

‏At the end of the ceremony, the leaders of the college were honored, and the graduation shields were handed over to the early batch, and their graduates.