Without using ultrasonic waves, Dr. Hasan L. Fahmy, Professor of ophthalmology,
University of Assiut devised a new technique to break up the solid lens in
ultrasonic cataract ultrasonic operations depending mainly on the high osmotic
pressure within the lens's nucleus. This effort came in an attempt to minimize
the complications related to the use of energy of the waves.
Dr. Fahmy has been working for more than a year where found out that injecting a
small quantity of salt solution, 0.9% concentration to the center of the lens's
nucleus, would fritter the lens's nucleus leading to the fragmentation of the
inner hinges of the lens. Dr. Fahmy explained that this technique has been
applied to 20 patients after it has been conducted on experimental animals and
proved its effectiveness.
For this technique, Dr. Fahmy won the Best Paper Award in April 2013, in the
field of new technologies in the Cataract Annual Global Conference of the
American Society for Cataract Surgery in San Francisco in which more than 900
research works were presented. He also applied to the International authorities
concerned to obtain a patent for his discovery.
Assiut University Professor of Medicine Devises A New Technique for Cataract Surgeries