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Assiut University receives secondary school students (third stage) to register their wishes electronically for the academic year 2024/2025

The electronic coordination offices of Assiut University received, this morning; secondary school students, coinciding with the start of the work of the third phase of the academic year 2025/2024 AD; equipped in two headquarters at the university: one in the Faculty of Arts on the campus of the old university, and the other in the "1" sector in the university city.
Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, President of Assiut University, stressed the university's keenness to provide all the possibilities and supportive services for students and parents; to ensure the smooth running of electronic coordination work, directing all those in charge of working in electronic coordination laboratories at the university; the need to facilitate high school students, help them, and answer their questions; so that they can finish the process of registering their wishes; in preparation for completing their enrollment in colleges and Egyptian institutes for the academic year 2024/2025.

Prof. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Supervisor of the Faculty of Arts, inspected the headquarters of the Electronic Coordination Office at the Faculty of Arts, prepared, equipped, and Internet provider, and printers to print students' nomination cards. There are also also staffed by the coordination office; to answer students' inquiries and provide information.

Prof. Ahmed Abdel Mawla pointed out that it is scheduled, as announced by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to continue the coordination website to register wishes for third stage students as of Tuesday, September 10, until Thursday, September 12, according to what the Coordination Office announced in its official statement.

It is worth mentioning that the Coordination Office of the Faculty of Arts includes two labs: the capacity of the first (34) computers, the capacity of the second (16) computers, and the number of those in charge of it is more than 10 specialists.

The second office is located in the Computer Center, in Sector (1) in the University City for Students, and the number of computers is (24) computers,  and the number of those in charge of it (10).