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Assiut University Students Invent Cane–Reaping Machine

Due to Assiut University encouraging policies of all activities that influence the society and solve its problems, two students from the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University have designed a machine for reaping cane. This machine won the second rank on the Day of Engineering and Innovation at Assiut University. This project was also one of 25 projects out of the 500 projects nominated in the second round for final selection in the NU100 competition organized by the Nile University. The competition basically target the youth whose inventions are both commercially and technically eligible for execution.      Third-year student Mahmoud Arafa and Shaimaa Mahmoud, from the fourth year, Mechatrocnics Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering, assured that they demand an amount of LE.80.000 (eighty thousand Egyptian Pounds) to complete the primary design of the project. The idea of this project goes back to a request from     the Agricultural Society to the Faculty of Engineering requiring a machine to assist farmers growing Cane in reaping their crop, especially when reapers delay and cause great loss and damages of the crop. Also, it has become an impelling demand since the daily wage of human labor mounted to LE. 40 (forty Egyptian Pounds). Therefore, a team work has started work with the encouragement of Dr. Wael Khairalla, Professor of design, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Assiut University. The team began work and meeting with farmers who all aspired for using the first design as soon as it is accomplished.    The University, in turn will assist the team and sponsor a large part of the final cost of the project. The university will also promote the project which, the team members assert, will attract large investments when it is done and introduced to alleviate the suffering of Egyptian farmers.