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Award Certificate
رئيس مجلس تأديب الطلاب بكلية الحقوق جامعة جنوب الوادي
Award Certificate
Travel award from the Canadian Chapter of Controlled Release Society
Award Certificate
The Faculty prize for the best PhD thesis in the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany
Award Certificate
6- Silver medal: The 23th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2012): “A New Approach Of Thin Film Titanium Chromium Nitride Coating For Improving The Surface Integrity of Aerospace Al7075-T6 Alloy”, Infrastructure University
Award Certificate
7- Bronze medal: BioInnovation Awards 2012, “Modified wheelchair with transferring mechanism to assist the wheelchair-bound person”, Malaysian Association of Research Scientists, MARS & Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation, BiotechCorp, 5th November 2012 •
Award Certificate
Travel award from the Canadian Chapter of Controlled Release Society
Award Certificate
عضو لجنة العلاقات الثقافية
Award Certificate
عضو مجلس ادارة النشر والتوزيع
Award Certificate
Post-doctoral fellowship, Concordia University, Canada
Award Certificate
Patent No. 24950, Method of producing gels from by-products of the potato industry