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Award Certificate
DAAD PhD Scholarships (2011-2014), University of Göttingen, Molecular Plant Breeding and Genetics
Award Certificate
United Nations Population Award
Award Certificate
شهادة تميزفي الفنون
Award Certificate
- شهادة تقدير من معهد إعداد القادة بحلوان للتميز الملحوظ في مجال النشاط القيادي والمنعقدة في الدورة من 10/4/2009م حتي 15/4/2009م
Award Certificate
The best paper award from the 8th International Conference on Power Electronics and
Award Certificate
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Honorable Mention supervision of Capstone project for 2009 entitled “Analysis, Design, and Testing of UWB Antenna”, Concordia University,
Award Certificate
A patent out of my PhD work has been filed under the title of "Immunogenic Escherichia coli Heat-Stable Enterotoxin" (Pub. #: WO/2010/027473, Appl. #. PCT/US2009/004976)