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Award Certificate
promotive prize of the 1st day for App.Res.Markting. Agric. studies Sector. Supreme Council of the universities
Award Certificate
Research Award from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Award Certificate
The best paper presentation and best student awards from 30th Annual Conference of
Award Certificate
حصل على جائزة أحسن بحث
Award Certificate
عضو بالجمعية المصرية للاقتصاد السياسي والإحصاء والتشريع
Award Certificate
جائزة عبدالحميد شومان
Award Certificate
جائزة أحسن بحث في الرياضيات
Award Certificate
مباشرة المحاماه بالأمر رقم 2831
Award Certificate
The best paper award from the International Conference on Electrical Machines and
Award Certificate
Chevalier dans l'ordre des palmes Académiques
Award Certificate
University of Toronto Fellowship