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Profile test for students to newcomers Faculty of Specific Education - Assiut University

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Abdel Samie - President of Assiut University and Prof. Dr. / forgotten Mansour Dean Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut UniversityPersonal tests began for new students admitted to the Faculty of Specific Education, through the Office of Coordination for admission to universities for the academic year 2013/2014 starting on Sunday 01/09/2013 in the people of art education and music education and home economics.The test Profile prerequisites which freedom from disability physical and sensory tics nerve and freedom from defects in speech and language also includes the general requirements of the general appearance of cleanliness student and care appearance external equilibrium student emotionally and confidence of the student in the same general culture of studentThis was stated by Prof. Dr. Mansour forgotten Dean and sovereignty, added that the tests Heads of departments and faculty members.