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Candle Manufacturing Machine Developed by Engineering Students Assiut University

  Under the auspices and support of Prof. Mohammed Abdel Samiea, Assiut University President and Prof. Mohamed Abul-Qasim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Fourth- Year Engineering students have devised a machine that will save millions of Egyptian pounds spent on importing candles.   Many professors, investors, Engineering firms got very impressed by this machine which won several prizes of which is its selection among the best 25 projects passing to the second round of the competition UN100  organized by the Nile University for youth inventors of distinctive projects nationwide. Regarding the machine, Student Mahmoud Khamis Abul-Yazeed, team coordinator, said that the idea of the machine arose to produce candles in a short time and high quality complying with the Egyptian market. He assured that machine will produce more than light candles or decoration candles, and that the cost of the machine will be around LE. 20.000 (around twenty thousand Egyptian Pounds) compared to the cost of the imported machine which reaches about 50.000 (fifty thousand) Egyptian Pounds. Dr. Wael Khair-allah Professor of Design, Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, asserted that the project will cover the demands of the Egyptian market within 6-8 months. He added that production of decoration candles with will commence next February. The team developing this project was composed of 6 Engineering student and a volunteer legal team to carry out the procedures.