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Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University Win the Poll to Organize the Eleventh International Conference of the International Network of Sport and Health Sciences

Dr. Gamal Mohamed Ali, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, declares the Faculty’s winning the votes and right to host the Eleventh International Conference of the International Network of Sport and Health Sciences. A Poll to choose the winning university was held during a conference at the University of Alicante, Spain.  The poll was conducted by Dr. Henrietta Denis, President of the International Network of Sport and Health Sciences and several universities from France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Croatia and Serbia have participated. The Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University won 10 votes, while the Faculty of Physical Education, Czech Republic won 8 votes. Ten other universities refrained from voting due to their inability to compete.   During the conference, Dr. Gamal made a presentation in which he emphasized the significance of Egyptian Archeology, the role of Assiut University, the status of the faculty of Physical Education, and finally, a note about   the city of Alexandria, the location intended to host the conference, during March 2015.   Expressing his delight and pride, Dr. Gamal indicated that this is the first time for the conference to be held outside Europe in its Eleventh Version. It was  previously held in the countries such as: Bulgaria in 2005; Germany in 2006; Slovenia in 2007;  Austria in 2008;  Wales in 2009; Norway in 2010;  Estonia in 2011; Croatia in 2012; and Greece in 2013; Spain will host the 2014 version. The international network includes 39 universities from 22 countries.