Prof. Maha Ghanem, the acting president of Assiut University, announced the selection of Dr. Mohamed Helmy El-Hefnawy, the engineering advisor to the president of Assiut University and the vice dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts for Graduate Studies and Research, as a member of the committee for reviewing and evaluating new hospitals, both private and governmental, that conform to hospital design standards and aim to implement green architecture concepts in hospital buildings to be certified as green hospitals.
Dr. Maha Ghanem also announced the selection of Dr. Mohamed El-Hefnawy as a member of the committee for integrating the first and second phases of the construction guide for designing green hospitals and healthcare facilities, as well as the evaluation system for hospitals belonging to the National Center for Housing and Building Research. Prof. Maha stated that Assiut University is rich in scientific competencies and has many qualified cadres capable of leading the scientific community, and congratulated her engineering advisor while wishing him continued success.
Dr. Mohamed Helmy stated that the committee is responsible for reviewing architectural, electromechanical, and health-related drawings, as well as all required documents within the guidance manual for designing green hospitals and healthcare facilities. The committee is also responsible for field visits and measurements at the hospital site (if required) and issuing a certified certificate stating that the hospital design meets all the requirements of green hospitals. The committee can also seek the assistance of experts in various fields if necessary to complete the required work. Regarding the committee for integrating the first and second phases of the construction guide for designing green hospitals and healthcare facilities, the committee prepares training courses to introduce and train on the application of the guidance manual, and to identify the difficulties faced by various specialties during implementation, in order to facilitate the dissemination of green building culture.
Assiut University President announces the selection of her engineering advisor as a member of the National Center for Housing and Building Research committees.