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Cash Prizes of68 thousand pounds: the outcome of the winning of Assiut University in a number of technical fields at the end of "Ibda'" contest.

The Grand Celebrations Hall at Cairo University witnessed the closing ceremony of "Ibda'" competition, which was organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sport in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education. The ceremony took place in the presence of Eng. Khaled Abdel Aziz (the minster of Youth and Sport), General Mohsen AbdelNabi, and Ali Elshemily (vice-ambassador of Emirates).   Dr. Ryan has announced that the University of Assiut, participated by about 83 students since the beginning of the first phase of the competition, which resulted in winning a number of awards in the field of arts. Mohammed Ahmed Osman, a student at the Faculty of Commerce, won a cash prize of 10 thousand pounds in the field of composition; the University team won the second position in the field of folklore with a cash prize of 50 thousand pounds; Mohamed Sooky Abdel Gelil, a student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, won a cash prize of six thousand pounds in the field of poetry.  In addition, Mr. Ahmed Hassan Badari, director of folk arts, won the prize of two thousand pounds as the best designer.