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In His Meeting with Representatives of the European Union Bureau: Assiut University President Praises the Role of the Programs Provided by the European Union to Enhance Higher Education in Egypt

Prof. Mohammed Abdel-Sameia Eid, President of Assiut University, met Eng. Kareem Hamdy, Assistant National Coordinator of the European Union Programs, and Ms Raghda Mohsen, Coordinator of the European Union Higher Education Programs who arrive in a visit to the University Bureau in Cairo to discuss the research grants provided by the Union and the application process and conditions.  In this meeting, the president asserted the role of the European Union Programs in supporting higher education in Egypt through providing distinct research projects to several Egyptian universities. On their part, the guests expressed their satisfaction and estimation of the encouragement and support provided by Assiut University to the programs and activities of the European Union. Likewise they praised the university also for its distinguished research cadres who had achieved remarkable success in their research results in several fields.