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Interactive Learning Unit Project Wins the First Place in Conference in Elmansora

The Interactive Education Unit project, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University won the first place in the general science field in the Second Conference of scientific research and innovation for students of Egyptian universities and high institutes, which was organized by the University of Elmansoura last month . Dr. Fatima Abu Bakr Abdel Moez, the Project Supervisor and the Director of the Quality Assurance Unit Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University has declared that the idea of ​​the project is based on the production of educational medical films which is the first project of its kind in the Egyptian universities, and it has being funded with support from the Ministry of Higher Education, and during this period of time we product more than 30 educational films both 3D or 2D, and it addresses many of the medical topics such as blood circulation between the mother and the fetus, DNA synthesis , the process of blood clotting and other topics, explaining that it had not only benefit from the project just Faculty of Medicine, but extends to other faculties such as Dentistry , pharmacy and veterinary medicine . On his part, Abu Al-Qasem Sami, the student in sixth year and the project manager said that the jury had expressed admiration for the idea of ​​the project and stressed the need to work to complete and disseminate implemented in the rest of universities across the republic specially scientific ones, because of its great importance in explaining and absorb the information and also convert the dry information to audio and visual information in the form of animated films