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The kidney transplant unit at Assiut University Hospitals reaches the platinum number in kidney transplantation

Prof. El-Minshawy: Assiut University is one of the three most important Egyptian universities that perform kidney transplant cases

Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, President of Assiut University, praised the results and medical achievements achieved by the Kidney Transplantation Unit at Assiut University, through the "Kidney Transplantation Program, which is one of the bright areas of work in the medical sector at Assiut University Hospitals, which succeeded in reaching the (platinum number) in the number of kidney transplant cases performed, which is (75) cases, at the hands of an integrated medical team of the Urology and Kidney Surgery Hospital, who were optimally trained, in cooperation with the German Martin Luther University, which opened the door of hope; to save many patients with kidney failure in the governorates of Upper Egypt.

Dr. Al-Manshawi explained that Assiut University is one of the three most important Egyptian universities, that performs kidney transplant cases, with promising success rates, according to the procedures, health controls, and legal regulations on this matter; in its University Hospital for Urology and Kidney Surgery.

The President of Assiut University stressed that cooperation between members of the medical team represents one of the success factors in conducting such precise operations, pointing out that the Kidney Transplantation Unit at the University Urology and Kidnephrology Hospital in Assiut is moving forward towards expanding kidney transplant operations; as the best treatment for kidney failure patients; to alleviate their suffering, improve their living conditions, and reduce waiting lists; through the distinctive kidney transplant program adopted by Al-Wahid, which has become a new hope for kidney failure patients, and an important trend for Assiut University Hospitals; within the framework of the state's interest; developing the university hospital system, paying attention to the file of treating kidney failure patients, and providing all aspects of support for this file.

For his part, Dr. Alaa Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Chairman of the Board of Directors of University Hospitals, explained that the unit consists of; outpatient clinics, a mini dialysis unit, two operating rooms, a relief room, a concentrated care room, another medium, and rooms to receive patients before and after the operations, pointing out that the medical team in the kidney transplant unit and the program consists of major medical specialties, namely: urology and kidney surgery, internal medicine, and anesthesia, and the team cooperates with medical teams from departments; cardiology, diagnostic radiology, chest diseases, clinical pathology, and clinical pharmacy.

Dr. Diaa Abdelhamid, Director of the University Urology and Kidney Surgery Hospital, pointed out that the unit contains the latest advanced devices in examinations and diagnosis of pathological conditions, according to the best-advanced technologies, and by the latest protocols followed globally, the maximum degrees of sterilization are also provided during the operation, follow-up of the patient's condition for several days after the end of the surgery, and until the transplanted kidneys start to work. Periodic medical follow-up has been carried out for years with cases for which kidney transplant surgery was performed.

Dr. Hisham Mukhtar, Full Professor of the Department of Urology and Director of the Kidney Transplantation Unit and Program, also pointed out that the unit started its work in the kidney transplant program, since the issuance of its license as a medical center for human organ transplantation, issued by the Supreme Committee; for human organ transplantation in August 2015, and the first case of kidney transplantation was performed in the kidney transplant unit at the Urology and Kidney Surgery Hospital in November 2015, explaining: The kidney transplantation program works to take care of the patient, and kidney transplantation is free of charge, and the care extends after transplantation in various specialties.