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Under the auspices of Dr. Ahmed A. Gaeis, Assiut University President, the scientific forum entitled "Scholarship and Opportunity," was launched. The forum was organized by the scientific committee…
In his visit to Al-Orman University Hospital for Cardiology, Assiut University President, Ahmed A. Gaeis, assured that Assiut University Hospitals provide distinguished medical service, and that Al…
Assiut University President, Dr. Ahmed A. Gaeis attended the inauguration of the Theatrical festival of the Faculty of Kindergarten. Vice President for Graduate studies and Research, Dr. Tarek Al-…
Assiut University President, Dr. Ahmed A. Gaeis, announced the University's honorary celebration of its pioneers and award-winning Faculty members who obtained State and University Awards in the…
Minister of Higher Education, Dr Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar, has placed the honorary memorial stone to inaugurate the project of establishing an new university hospitals for the treatment of Tumors. On…
Invitation from the Faculty of Engineering to an environmental symposium entitled
Assiut University President, Dr. Ahmed A. Gaeis, headed a delegation from Assiut University to participate in the proceedings of the National Conference for Scientific Research organized by the…
under the care of Dr. Adel Rasmi Hammad Al - Najdi Dean of the CollegeWill be held on Sunday 25 March 2018 at 10 am  At the headquarters of Professor Dr. Rajai Al-Tahlawi Building of the faculty…
In his meeting with the professors and pioneers of the Chest Department, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Ahmed A. Gaeis assured that Assiut University does its best to support the entire medical system and…
Assiut University President, Dr. Ahmed A. Gaeis met Dr. Faisal Al-Omary, Chairman of the Graphic and Décor Department, Philadelphia University, Jordan to honor Dr. Gaeis and hand him the…
Assiut University inaugurated the proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Chest Diseases entitled as "The Treatment of Critical Cases of the Respiratory System" to last until March 21. The…
Assiut University inaugurated the proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Chest Diseases entitled as "The Treatment of Critical Cases of the Respiratory System" to last until March 21. The…
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