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Congratulations for Dr./ Ahmed Abdo geaies
2nd Monthly Scientific Day of Faculty of Medicine
Assiut University Council, chaired by Dr. Ahmed Abdo Geies, Acting Assiut University President, has approved the memorandum of understanding between the University and University of Messina, Italy…
Assiut University organized a seminar on the projects of the development of higher education, funded by the European Commission. This seminar was held in October 2015, under the auspices of Prof…
The first exhibition of old books Physics Department
open education program Faculty of Education, Assiut University in collaboration with the University of Alexandria for the academic year 2015/2016 AD Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. / Adel RASMI…
Ultrasound Guided-Lower Limb Block Workshop Invitation
Assiut University took some procedures to save electricity and protect computers and devices. As A result of this, air conditioners  will not be allowed to be used during holidays and anyone who…
    A group of students of the Faculty of Engineering at Assiut University has invented a system that aims to reduce the phenomenon of power outage using remote wireless networks used in the…
        The students of the Faculty of Engineering at Assiut University have invented lampposts that would lighten the street through solar power at the lowest possible cost. Dr. Mohammed Abu al…
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