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  يسر أسرة كلية الطب جامعة أسيوط أن تتقدم بخالص التهنئة للسيد الأستاذ الدكتور/ عمر ممدوح شعبان الأستاذ المساعد بقسم التوليد وأمراض النساء لحصوله على جائزة الأستاذ الدكتور/ سليمان حزين للتفوق…
  يسر أسرة كلية الطب جامعة أسيوط أن تتقدم بخالص التهنئة للسيد الدكتور/ محمد مصطفى قطب المدرس بقسم جراحة العظام   لحصوله على جائزة الأستاذ الدكتور/ جلال الدين زكي سعيد لأحسن بحث بقسم جراحة العظام…
Computer Consulting Center in the College of Computer and Information announced  needs to marketing staff to market the center's programs as well as training courses inside and outside the…
The Information Technology Institute ITI is holding training courses for the final year students of electrical engineering department, they include interactive skills , programming and IT(…
Thirty students from the final year of electrical department have been nominated to attend the training scholarship offered by Software Engineering Competence Center SECC.
Cooperation between the Electrical Engineering Department and the Innovation Support Center in the smart village (TIEC) is taking place to make some training courses that will help in the graduation…
 General Administration of Social Welfare University Hospitals, Assiut University Its need to fill the vacancies, namely: - 1. Director of the Research Department patients 2. Director of the care and…
Was scheduled to discuss a PhD in plant science "classification of flowering plants," provided the student / Ahmed Mohamed Farid chiming Assistant Lecturer, Department of Botany and Microbiology,…
Was scheduled to discuss a PhD in the science of physics "experimental solid state physics," submitted by the student / Mahdi Ahmed Mohamed Dban Yemeni national graduate student, Department of…
Assiut University has done all necessary preparations for the First Semester Exams in all University Faculties and Institutes. After meeting all Faculty Deans and Trustees, Dr. Mustafa M. Kamal,…
Under the supervision of Mr. Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Kamal Mustafa                                     President of the UniversityMr. Prof. Dr. / Adel Ryan Mohammed Ryan               Vice President…
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