Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Makhlouf, Faculty Dean, met the Malaysian Students of the First Year in the Faculty and congratulated them with the New Academic Year 2013/2014 and also wish a lot of progress…
Dr. Gamal Abdel Raaouf Badr, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Faculty
of Science, Assiut University has won a State Incentive Award in the field of
biological sciences. Dr. Badr got…
Beef Burger, Pastrami, and Sausages are the most
common types of processed meat to be fungal contaminated.
In her Master’s Thesis on “Fungi spoiling products of processed meats,”
Will be Bmhih to God Almighty discuss the message Master Balbagesh / emigrated Ahmad Hamid Obeid-Allah gastrula Home Economics Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University majoring (…
The mining and metallurgical engineering department has approved to form a jury committee to evaluate the PhD thesis proposed by eng Waleed Saleh Sayed Muhammad on Saturday 5-10-2013 at 10.00 a.m…
The ITUnit of the faculty of engineering has been ranked first among other itunits in assiut university in the final evalution for the academic year 2013-2013.Also, assiut university has been ranked…
Rasha Hassan Makram-Alla Abdel-Hameed, a researcher at the Department of
Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University has conducted a psychological
study on “Domestic Violence: Demographic…
Professor El-sherif Muhammad Abd El-Aziz; the head of civil engineering department, and all the staff congratulate professor Muhammad Abo El- Kassem for being elected as the new dean of the faculty…
-The department of the Youth Welfare organized a reception camp to welcome the college's fresh students .In addition, a bulletin of the students ' activities was distributed among them and which…
The doctora exam in Faculty of physical education Assiut University had been decided so that the theoretical exam is from 3/10/2013 to 7/10/2013 and tha oral exam in 8/10/2013
Memorandum of Understanding between faculty of Humanities Social sciences and Education Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg Bundesrepublik Deutschland and Faculty of Physical education Assuit…
Blood donation campaign titledA drop of blood = lifeTook the initiative to donate blood for the benefit of children and Oncology Hospital on Saturday, 11.02.2013 AD at ten in the morning the land of…