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Rasha Hassan Makram-Alla Abdel-Hameed, a researcher at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University has conducted a psychological study on “Domestic Violence: Demographic…
-The department of the Youth Welfare organized a reception camp to welcome the college's fresh students .In addition, a bulletin of the students ' activities was distributed  among them and which…
The doctora exam in Faculty of physical education Assiut University had been decided so that the theoretical exam is from 3/10/2013 to 7/10/2013 and tha oral exam in 8/10/2013
Memorandum of Understanding between faculty of Humanities Social sciences and Education Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg Bundesrepublik Deutschland and Faculty of Physical education Assuit…
Blood donation campaign titledA drop of blood = lifeTook the initiative to donate blood for the benefit of children and Oncology Hospital on Saturday, 11.02.2013 AD at ten in the morning the land of…
Taatan the auspices of Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Abdel Samie holiday - President of Assiut University and Prof. Dr. / Adel Ryan - Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and under the supervision…
The elections of dean of the faculty will be held on Sunday 29-9-2013 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m in the committee hall in the faculty. we hope that the faculty members will come to participate in…
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Mostafa Hamad
Announcement of Post Graduate
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Hatem Galal Zaki
The results of the first round to elect the new dean of the faculty is as follows: Professor/ Muhammad Abo El-Kassim Muhammad         49.87 votesProfessor/ Gamal Abo Zeid Abd EL-Rahim…
Displaying 1549 - 1560 of 2034