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Students Union Elections 2012/2013
Invitation to attend the Master's thesis submitted by the researcher / Mohammed Yusuf Bassiouni Mahdi
Infection Control Course
End-Note Course for Medical Staff
The Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department will hold the 17th-Annual conference for Arabizing the Engineering Education between Accreditation and Quality Assurance in cooperation with the…
The Head of Mechanical Engineering Department professor/Hany Muhammad Ahmad El-Beblawy would like to invite you to attend "The Engineering Design and Industry in Egypt" Workshop organized by Mining…
Zain e-Learning Centre in University of Bahrain intends to hold the fourth conference and the international fair for e-learning entitled "The Best Practices in Managing, Designing and Developing the…
The It-Unit would like  to invite the faculty staff members, employees and students to attend the It-Unit workshop in the faculty of engineering at 12pm on 28/2/2013
The National Tempus oFFICE decided to organize a workshop in cooperation with Aswan University about how to write project suggestions for TEMPUS programme and it will be held on Saturday and Sunday…
  The Institute for Southern Egypt Oncology at Assiut University   His need for a job Director of the Office of the Dean of the Institute According to the following conditions: - 1.High…
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