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Reception of (12,736) cases in the emergency and reception unit. Performing (2,743) surgical operations, including major surgeries, emergency surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, and plastic surgeries.…
- Various student activities that dealt with the cultural, artistic, sports, and social fields, workshops to develop skills, refine talents, and developmental and intellectual disabilities - prof.…
President of Assiut University: the camp aims to develop the abilities of young people in various fields that affect their university and community life   Prof. El-Minshawy, president of Assiut…
- prof. El-Minshawy: Assiut University has made strenuous efforts to strengthen its community role and launch comprehensive awareness, medical and veterinary convoys and convoys to support the mental…
Prof. El-Minshawy: the conference aims to qualify students for the labor market and enable them to build a clear vision for their professional future in the field of Pharmacy The Faculty of Pharmacy…
 Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, president of Assiut University, sent a congratulatory telegram His Excellency President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, president of the Republic, and Dr. Ahmed El-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al…
- prof. El-Minshawy appreciates the vision of the Ministry of Higher Education and the remarkable progress in the system and linking it to the developmental needs of the community   Prof. Ahmed El-…
   Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, president of Assiut University, participated in the regular meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities, chaired by Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and…
By the beginning of 2025. Assiut University achieves concrete achievements and announces the registration of the scientific research ethics committee at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Supreme Council…
Prof.El-Minshawy: Assiut University is at the forefront of Egyptian and Arab universities in the fields of computer, engineering, life sciences, and physical and Medical Sciences. For the first time…
Prof.El-Minshawy: this success confirms the application of "Assiut pharmacy" to the organizational aspects of the ethics and values of scientific research at all levels    Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy,…
  Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, president of Assiut University, praised the success achieved by the Department of Ophthalmology and surgery, at the main University Hospital of Assiut University, in…
Displaying 13 - 24 of 1976