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Opening of the exhibition of the Fine Arts Faculty of Specific Education in Assiut

Avavtth Prof. Dr. / Mansour forgotten Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, University of Assiut, Obhoudor a. D / and my grandfather raised unique and Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Dr. / Amani Zidane Abdullah and Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and Dr. / Mohamed Jalal Ali - Supervisor of the Department of Technical EducationFaculty of Specific Education - Assiut University. Fine Arts Exhibition of the artist, Dr. / Hala Salah al-Din teacher fabric Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specific Education - University of Assiut, the exhibition titled (innovations textile) According to Dr. / Hala Salah al-Din that the exhibition includes twenty plate of different materials (plastic - Metals - threading variety), which NES compound works of art over the previous years has been the use of different frameworks for the vocabulary of these works have also been eating suspensions containing textile designs on kilims vocabulary and Tally is inspired Assiut environment.Was the opening of the exhibition on Tuesday, 24/09/2013 and lasts until Thursday 10.03.2013