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Assiut University announces the launch of the university final examinations 2021/2022 within a number of colleges

Dr. Tariq Al-Jamal, President of Assiut University, announced the launch of the university final examinations 2021/2022 within a number of university colleges Stressing that the University takes all preparations and intensifies work within the different sectors and colleges of the University in parallel with the start of the examinations, which started on Saturday, May 21 this month in accordance with the time map set by the Supreme Council of Universities, which lasts for about a month, and includes various faculty study teams in the university's practical and theoretical faculties.

The President of the University stressed that the University Administration is keen to keep track of the work of the examinations on a continuous basis and provide all means of comfort and care for students, noting that exam schedules have been announced and all committees and exam halls have been completed, thereby contributing to a safe environment and a scientific climate suitable for students to perform the exam process at ease.

Dr. Shehata Gharib, Vice Chancellor of the University for Education and Student Affairs, noted that all exam schedules have already been completed at university colleges as well as uploading guided bank questions on the University's website, indicating that colleges are to abide by the decisions of the University Council to apply the Bubble Sheet system in the development of the examination paper to be corrected electronically as well as taking all precautionary measures to ensure the safety and preservation of students. In addition to confirmation of the attendance of observers and faculty members during the course of exams as well as coordination with the medical department and clinics within the colleges and confirmation of the presence of all medical staff and provision of medicines and first aid to cope with any emergencies during the exams.