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Princess Dina Marad, President of the International Union Against Cancer, calls on all Arab governments to impose taxes upon smoking and allocate their revenues to spend on the efforts of fighting cancer

Princess Dina Marad, President of the International Union Against Cancer, called on all Arab governments to impose taxes on smoking, selling cigarettes, and tobacco, and to allocate their revenues to spend on the exerted efforts to fight cancer. She stressed on the dangers of smoking as a principal factor of cancer, pointing to the high proportion of people with tumors in the Arab region which has reached up to 70%. This came during her participation in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Oncology, organized by the Department of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University in Luxor, which lasted for 3 consecutive days, under the chairmanship of Dr. Samir Shehata Professor of Oncology and President of the Conference.