Under the auspices of Dr. Mustafa Kamal, Chairman of the University and Dr. Ahmed Djais Vice President for Community Services and Development Environment the Sector organizes its summer activities, for the faculties of the University.
As for the Faculty of Medicine, the implementation of the health camps to serve the rural environment this year to the villages of Al hadaya, Burah, Elwan, Bani Ghaleb, Alexandria Mubarak, providing health care and social surveys in the period from 15/7 to 3/8/2010 all over four batches.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has concluded its activities extensively through the implementation of a number of veterinary medical convoys of four governorates Fayoum, Beni Suef, Assiut and New Valley.
Faculty of Pharmacy has also implemented a number of awareness campaigns on the occasion of International Day for high blood pressure.
The Faculty of Specific Education has held a number of training courses for high school students to pass the ability test for admission to the faculty, In addition to several sessions to develop the talents in art and music for young people.
Summer Activities for the Sector, of Community Services and Development Environment at Assiut University