Leaders Preparation Administration, a division of the General
Administration of Youth Care, Assiut University holds a number of workshops for
academically distinguished students from 12-14 November 2012 at the
International Conference Auditorium located in the Faculty of Agriculture. 150
students from different faculties will participate in the occasion.
Mr. Ashraf Abdel-Hamid, director
of Leaders
Preparation Administration indicated that the program will be held under
the auspices of Dr. Mostafa Mohamed
Kamal, President of
the University
and Dr. Adel Ryan
Vice President
for Education and students affairs,
and supervised by Dr. Gabir
Ahmed Mugahid,
Professor, faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, and
Dr. Abdul
Haakim Younis, Professor,
Faculty of Agriculture.
Mr. Abdel Hamid added that the
program aims at enhancing
students' awareness of belonging to the university, and contributing to the
preparation of future leaders. It also aims at allowing possible chances for
free discourse with the leadership. The themes of the workshops will centre on
three topics. First, students' belonging and the reactions towards the
difficulties met during the educational process, together with the practice of
students' activities. The second theme concerns the preparation of future
leaders through recognition of the characteristic features of the leading
personality and the importance of communication in the leader's life. Third, the
workshops center on means free discourse and politics of dialogue and how to use
them properly.
Workshops for Academically Distinguished Students Assiut University