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# Title Research Department Research Year
14167 Gephyrin and CYP2C9 Genetic Polymorphisms in Patients with Pharmacoresistant Epilepsy‏ Department of Biochemistry
14168 Risk Parameters of Consuming Smokeless Tobacco “Madgha”: A Study in Aswan, Upper Egypt Family Medicine
14169 The effect of dexmedetomidine versus propofol in traumatic brain injury evaluation of some hemodynamic and intracranial pressure changes Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14170 Urinary tissue factor (uTF), tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and plasmin as novel biomarkers in early diagnosis of lupus nephritis Internal Medicine
14171 Subtenon versus intravenous Dexmedetomidine injection for postoperative analgesia in infantile cataract surgery: double-blind randomized clinical trial Department of Pediatrics
14172 Endoscopic approaches to skull base malignancies affecting the anterior fossa Department of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
14173 Prevalence and risk factors associated with worm infestation in school aged children in Al-Azhar and Assiut university hospitals Department of Pediatrics
14174 A new tendon transfer in Erb's palsy Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology
14175 Nicotine impact on rat substantia nigra compacta Department of Histology