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# Title Research Department Research Year
13672 Effect of Some Stress Factors on Plasma Testosterone and Cortisol Levels in Male Rats Department of Medical Physiology 1990
13673 Effect of Prostaglandin E2 and F2 on Respiratory Movements and Blood Respiratory Criteria in Rabbits Department of Medical Physiology 1990
13674 1- Prediction of stature from hand measurements Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology 1990
13675 The effects of corticosteroids in the treatment of unicameral bone cysts Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology 1990
13676 The effect of repeated morphine administration on the structure of lung in albino mice: A light and scanning electron microscopic study. Department of Histology 1990
13677 Iron status in chronic renal failure. Department of Clinical Pathology 1990
13678 Nucleic acids &estrogen receptors in breast causer: Their relationship with host & tumor characteristis Department of Biochemistry 1990
13679 3- A screening method for detection of morphine in urine by latex agglutination inhibition reaction test Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology 1990
13680 Resection of lateral calcaneal prominences and subtalar fusion in old fractures of calcaneum Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology 1990